sign repairThere is no doubt that signs are an important part of today’s business. They have many purposes and are especially designed to convey a message to the public. This may be a sale, a special event, the name of a business or some other announcement. When this message becomes damaged, it is time to contact the proper professionals at Hadley Sign Solutions for sign repair.

All signs being repaired require a special technique. This may be something simple, such as re-painting or may be more intricate, such as those that are electrical or use neon gas. In addition, the sign may be as large as an outdoor billboard or as small as a ‘Watch the Steps’ warning. We repair all types of signs.

Some signs are government regulated. For example, most state laws specifically state how an automobile repair shop must display their signs. When it is necessary to make repairs, these regulations must be included.

One of the most common causes of damage to an outdoor sign is weather damage. This may require removing all the paint and starting from scratch or replacing cracked plastic. However, sometimes it may be just a matter of replacing the outside finish or replacing specialty bulbs.

Many special electrical or neon signs are constructed to be permanent and, when something goes wrong, needs the expertise of those who excel troubleshooting commercial electrical and lighting problems. These signs are expensive and a regular maintenance program and prompt repair is imperative.

When choosing a business sign company to make any type of sign repairs it is important to contact someone knowledgeable in the field. They should be aware of the basic materials used as well as the correct type repair required. They should have technicians who are experienced in all types of problems that can arise, and be able to repair, retrofit, or install any kind of sign that is involved. With the new sign products available on the market, it is often possible to make electrical changes that will lower energy consumption and provide a longer lifetime as well.

Hadley Sign Solutions in Louisville, KY has the experience and expertise you need to repair your business sign or replace if necessary.