Recently I just picked up an account installing new business signs for a local Wendy’s restaurant. I was really impressed with the new layout that the architect and designers worked so hard on to update an old looking restaurant. Wendy’s has been one of those franchises that have used their sign design from almost the very beginning but after 35 plus years it was time to re-invent their look and signs was a part of that change over. Whenever I’m driving around I’m always noticing business signs and a lot of them need to come into the 21st century! There have been several times over the years that I have done a sign design for a customer and they have been insistent on using their old logo or letter style. There have been times also where I have used it but also do another version showing them something more updated and most of them like the new look better. Go figure! I don’t say that to pat myself on the back but I have been in this business for a long time and I know how important it is for a customer to continue to bring in new business especially to a new generation. Upgrading to a new and more modern look sometimes helps them to create more business. Signs play a role in that new look so the next time you walk outside your business and look up at that sign you’ve had for 20 or more years and it just doesn’t jump out at you like it used to then give me a call. I can work with you to create a new logo and incorporate that into new business signs to allow you to appeal to a newer clientele. Call us at 502-419-7228 or email me at
Here’s to a newer looking business!