When discussing marketing for your company, your goal is always to boost your brand and promote your brand image. Whether you’re looking to revamp your advertising or add to your current marketing strategy, coming up with creative ways to advertise and use signage is important. We’re here with a list of ways to creatively boost your brand image using your brand logo and image.
- Branded Swag: If you’re taking your business to a conference or showcase soon, you may want to consider bringing along some branded ‘swag’. This can include a number of products including water bottles, can coolers, umbrellas, mints, etc. These items are simple and inexpensive, yet will make your brand logo visible to a large audience.
- Vehicle Branding: According to the AAA Newsroom, Americans spend over 293 hours driving over the course of a year. With all of this time being spent on the roads, it makes sense to advertise there. Having a company vehicle branded with your logo and brand image is a way to catch a potential customers attention as they’re stuck sitting in traffic.
- Window Signage: This may seem like an obvious type of advertising, but many companies often forget to utilize their windows as ad space. While you don’t want to make your windows look cluttered or unprofessional, having some window signage is a great way to show off your brand image and compliment your company sign, if you already have one.
- Decals & Banners: If you have a business that often runs sales or specials or hosts events, banners and decals might be a good choice for you. They are fairly inexpensive and can add a level of excitement to your business or store as customers are approaching. When creating your banner or decal, be mindful that it still needs to fit your brand image and compliment your logo and general style.
If you’re looking for unique and creative ways to boost your brand and bring your brand image to a new audience, give some of our suggestions a try.